
Thursday, August 23, 2012


Sometimes you may never know who you are going to meet and this month we were blessed to meet a writer, Jennifer Miskov, who wrote an amazing book called "Silver to Gold" and we highly recommend it. This book is about not settling for less and reaching for your dreams no matter what. Even if you lose people or things along the way you should keep pressing for those God given dreams. So, after reading the book we got to thinking about our lives in the past year and all that God had done in it.

As all of you know our dream of becoming full time missionaries began a long time ago but it really started last year when we decided to sell our 105 year old historic home.  Some people were thinking that we were crazy to sell our  dream house, yes we had a dream to restore a historic home, but our dream of being full time missionaries was calling us.  So we decided to put our house on the market, even though the housing market was terrible, and trust God. Well in one day our house was sold!

Next stop was Pemba, Mozambique where we attend the Harvest Mission School and said we were going to test the waters for full time missionary work. Three months of classes, going into the bush and living in a small closet sized bedroom, eating beans and rice and getting to know each other in a whole new way and we still survived.

After school we did an extended outreach where we spent 10 days in the bush, which we led, and then we went around Asia for a month. While in Asia we got to go to Hong Kong, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand and then back to Hong Kong. We got to work with NightLight, an organization that helps get girls out of prostitution, work in a YWAM base with HIV children, and go with some amazing people from Jackie Pullinger's ministry to pray over a nation that was full of drugs and oppression.

After traveling around Asia we then went back home to Georgia and prepared for the next leg of our journey in full time missions, which is where we have spent the last 6 months, Pemba, Mozambique.  This month has brought us to Cape Town, South Africa where we came to renew our visas and have a much needed break.

We now see that another dream has been met. We have wanted to travel the world and though we won't say that we have traveled the world yet, we will say that we are having a very good start at it. We have been in 10 countries so far and 7 of them were in the last year. SO, yeah we think another dream has been met though we do think that there could be more countries for us in our future.

We say all of this to get you encouraged to reach for your dreams. We will tell you that the journey has not always been easy, but we can say that we are so glad that we didn't stop reaching. Sometimes dreams take you to faraway places and sometimes they take you closer to home but the point is to keep reaching for those dreams. Don't every stop dreaming and keep reaching for the gold.

What about your dreams? We would love to know what they are and how we can pray for you to reach those dreams. We would love to encourage you on your journey of dreams. Remember that God is not a small God so keep dreaming and dream BIG! Step out and make your dreams real.

We love each and everyone of you,

John and Cindy