
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Greetings from Pemba!!!

Greetings to all of our family and friends!

 We would first like to say a great big thank you for the people that have sent or are sending care packages from home. These care packages really make our day and they always seem to arrive at the time when we need them the most. Every time we receive a package we feel like we are getting a little piece of home and we can feel the love from these packages. We are so grateful for each and every package that is shipped. We know that it is not cheap to send something here so we do appreciate the sacrifice that you make when sending a package our way. We are including a list of items at the bottom of this letter for anyone that would like to send us items.


This month John and I were able to take a day and visit the Iris Farm. The farm is a new adventure that was started in December 2011 by the Reed Family. Jeff & Heidi and their 2 amazing children, Justice & Eva, are the brains and muscles behind this farm. They have long term goals for the farm to make enough food to feed our Iris base here in Pemba, about 1000 people a day, and also to help feed the people in the villages. The Reeds are facing many challenges with this new adventure and could use your prayers. One thing that they desperately need is a well that will be able to be used for drinking and cooking purposes. The well that they currently have is so salty that the locals will not even drink from it. God did show Jeff  where  the  next  well should be dug, so please be in agreement that the water will be sweet water.

  This month has also continued to meet us with new challenges. We constantly have to learn how to lead in a different culture. The ways here are so different then we are used to. For example we had something that we needed to deal with but were not sure how the best way was to handle the situation, so we talked to our base directors about the situation and they told us what we needed to do. However because the base directors were involved our local workers did not like it. We cannot seem to get them to understand that our base directors are our bosses and if we have questions or concerns we must take them to them. However, our local workers feel like we are betraying them and they have gotten  very upset with us. We can really use some prayer in this area.

One thing that God has continually spoken to us during this time is that we must keep our focus on Him. The enemy is out to distract all of us from what God has called us to do and we must keep our focus on Him. Remember after Jesus had fasted for 40 days and 40 nights the first thing that the enemy wanted to tempt Him with was food. The enemy knew that Jesus was hungry and he felt like if he could get Jesus distracted with His hunger then He could get Him away from God. But what did Jesus do? He kept His focus on God and so Satan ended up fleeing in the end. (Matthew 4) This is what God wants all of us to do. To remember who we are in Him and that no matter what Satan may throw in our path if we keep our focus on Him we will win the battle. We are praying for each and every one of you to keep your focus on God!

We would also like to thank all of you for your continue love, prayers and financial support. We are so honored that you have chosen to partner with us. As far as financial support goes we are getting closer to our goal but we are still shy by about $900. God is providing for us in some incredible ways. A visitor that was here just a few months ago just recently got in touch with John and said that he would like to support us on a monthly basis. How cool is that! We know that God is our provider and this just shows us one of the many ways that He will continue to provide support for us.

 If we can pray for you in any way please email us at we would love and be honored to pray for your needs.

 With much love,
John and Cindy

 Prayer Requests: Tara Okon, close friend of ours who has ovarian cancer
Unity in our team
Creative ways to lead
Mary Jo Harrington, John’s mom, recovering from shoulder surgery
Divine health and protection for our families
Joe Courson-healing

 Things to send: Coloring books Crayons/markers Crafts for young children Flavored tea bags Coffee Beef jerky Cans of chicken, beef Velvetta cheese Spices Muffin/ pancake mixes (just add water) Peanut m&ms Another that God lays on your heart! If He is showing it to you than we can use it!